
New 2011 top ten herbicides

1. Syngenta's Callisto Xtra is oxadiazon nitrate and atrazine premix products for feed corn, grains of corn, sweet corn, and yellow maize seedlings used in crop growth to 12 inches before can be used. 
2. Another Syngenta's products are used for feed corn Peak seedling herbicide, which contains ethyl fluoride (Exceed also contain this ingredient), the original drug to the melon has a residual activity of wild thorns, so other When combined with seedling products will increase the residual activity. 30 inches in height before the product can be used, but when the crops of more than 6 or 20 inches high collar, you should use the drops directly spray cans spray cans, when the amount is greater than 0.25 oz / acre or 70 north latitude and the Spirit the area north of use, not for planting corn round operation. 
3. TripleFlex Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences of SureStart is the same product from Monsanto to sell the two products, a similar range of applications and usage. 
4. FMC Corporation Authority XL is a herbicide and grass methyl amine premix products for soybean crops, autumn, before the weed seedlings before planting and work, FMC before the launch of another product and the Authority XL Canopy XL in the same active ingredients, only one BR alachlor herbicide and the ratio of the proportion is slightly lower than the Authority XL, so there will be a stronger Authority XL residual activity, can be sustained control of Amaranthus horsetails and other classes and anti-acetyl milk enzyme weeds. PH value of 7.6 in the context of the following can be used for any crops planted again after the interval with at least maintain the 18 months, the soil pH value is greater than 7.2 for small particles than cereal crop areas. 
5. Monsanto Warrant acetochlor contained in the original drug is used for soybeans and corn seedlings to use, for the annual pasture, pigs grass, purslane, black nightshade and gray dishes delayed with good weed In addition to the role of control. In addition it can not control the weeds before germination, so when used for the seedling stage, and glyphosate products should be mixed, applied to Roundup Ready series of crops. For soybeans, the best application methods and glyphosate is mixed, in the age of the crop between the V2 to V3 control than 2-4 inches high weeds. 
6.Kixor is BASF's new 2010 product line, which includes all the products containing a new oxime ethyl pyrimidine original drug, these three products are pyrimidine oxime ether and xylenol grass grass amine (trade name as Outlook) in the premix Integrity, for corn feed corn and rice flower; Sharpen (grass contains only pyrimidine oxime ether) for corn and soybean and wheat; Optill (pyrimidine oxime ethyl and imazethapyr of premix), for soybeans. In 2011, BASF will be renamed Integrity Verdict, can be applied to soybean, the amount of 5 ounces / acre (Sharpen used in the amount of soy to 1 oz / acre). 
7.Cleansweep D and Cleansweep M is a mixture Nufarm's products are grass nitrile bromide (trade name Buctril) and fluroxypyr (trade name Starane) and 2,4-D premixed formula. Used to control wheat, oats and barley crops, broad-leaved weeds. Cleansweep D in full tillering to jointing stage of crop (not including the period) to use, Cleansweep M in the two-leaf stage to flag Yesheng Cheng crop of use. For soybeans, fertilizer plant for 4 months interval. 
8. Bayer CropScience Huskie controlled addition of wheat, barley and other grains in the pellets of perennial broadleaf weeds, it is the grass nitrile and bromine pyrasulfotole the premix, it is a HPPD inhibitor (the same mechanism of action and Callisto), Fall or spring used for crop 1 Leaf to flag Yesheng Cheng period, and the AMS in combination, the dosage is 0.5 to 1 pounds / acre, and UAN (urea, ammonium nitrate urea ammonium nitrate solution) in combination dosage of 1-2 quarts / acre, use of spray cans, you can use the UAN as a solvent, but the nitrogen content of which should be kept below 50%, and the total amount of nitrogen for more than 30 lb / acre. Use of herbicides be planted after 4 months after the soybean crop. 
9. PowerFlex Dow AgroSciences for control of wheat crops than on broadleaf weeds and annual grasses, in which the active ingredient is pyroxsulam (methoxy-methyl alachlor), can be used for crops in the fall or spring, 3-leaf stage to the jointing stage to use, in the 2 leaf stage to tillering stage the second addition to the use of the best weed control, control of broadleaf weeds in addition, it would take from 2 inches into the path prior to use. Use a non-ionic surfactants or vegetable oil as a solvent. And urea ammonium nitrate solution can be formulated into a spray, but the mixed solution after the nitrogen content should be maintained at 50% or less, can not use vegetable oil, solvents, use of non-ionic surface active agent, and using non-ionic surfactant The amount should not exceed 0.25% (by volume). If you use liquid nitrogen as the solvent, may cause short-term burn crops, if and dicamba ,2,4-D amine compound, PowerFlex dosage can be reduced by half, 5 months after application to planting soybeans. 
10. Pulsar Syngenta product fluroxypyr and dicamba pre-equipped products, except wheat and barley for control of broadleaf weeds in crops, because the individual using the product relatively narrow spectrum of grass control, needs and MCPA ester or other broadleaf herbicide mix, used before in the wheat tiller, if environmental conditions permit, you can use the non-ionic surfactant to improve control of grass performance, can be re-dubbed in ammonia nitrogen fertilizer solution containing less than 50% of the spray solution , application interval and soybean interval of 9 months

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