
Monsanto Yi Bowen: actively promoting the planting of biotech crops

NetEase Financial News in July 2010, Monsanto Yi Bowen, president of North Asia, will be guest of NetEase living room. They are the largest seed companies, ninety percent of the world of genetically modified crop seeds come from it or its authorized, transgenic technology and the application of biotechnology, seed industry products, the company's biggest bright spot, also become a The most controversial of the company.

Whether it is the savior of agricultural development, food security or endanger the culprit? Yi Bowen said that if any one wants to visit farmers in the Midwest, directly ask them why they buy these products, I will plan the trip. I'm sure most farmers would answer: because they help me get higher returns. Commercialization of GM crops development will go from here? Yi Bowen that they are not only safe, but also from an environmental point of view or whether to help farmers increase production point of view, the benefits of these products is enormous. We need to actively promote the worldwide biotech crop applications. Monsanto and how to respond to the accusation of international agricultural organizations? Yi Bowen responded that such accusations are a lot of data does not hold, we and a large number of non-governmental organizations and environmental organizations survey obtained data show that GM is not only higher yields but also to the environment has a very positive impact.

Critical to the commercialization of GM crops

NetEase Finance: Yi Bowen Hello, welcome guest NetEase. November 27, 2009, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture approved two genetically modified GM corn rice and a security certificate is regarded as China began to commercial release of GM crops, Monsanto do you think this all mean for what?

Yi Bowen: From the company point of view, this is good news, especially for rice, this world of millions or even billions of people are the main food crops in terms of survival. In the past, a long period of time, not in the technical aspects of rice made significant progress. The transgenic crops approved technologies are developed by Chinese scientists in China's. Corn, soybeans, cotton and vegetables are our main core business crop. In short, the rice area in the technical progress made is good news, especially for those who rice as an important food in terms of billions of people around the world.

NetEase Finance: Do you focus on the resulting commercialization of GM crops debate What are the views?

Yi Bowen: I think the most important to be aware of the following points. First, on biotechnology. Back in 1995 we have biotech crops on the market. Many people do not realize is that from the first time since its launch in 1995, biotech crop acreage has more than 2 billion acres of the. Since then it has been consumed by the processing of food biotechnology has been more than a trillion times. On security issues, regulatory bodies and review ongoing research have proved that these products are safe. Many people do not realize is that they are not only safe, but whether from an environmental point of view or the perspective to help farmers increase production, the benefits of these products is enormous. We need to actively promote the worldwide biotech crop applications. There is no doubt that the global food system faces the challenge of 2050, the world's population could approach 100 million. In fact, the United Nations in 2000 and 2050 forecasts for 50 years, must produce the equivalent of food produced in the past 1 million years combined. Same time the global arable land is limited, but also faced many natural resources such as the increasing scarcity of fresh water. These problems are global challenges facing the food system. We must deal with. Techniques such as pest-resistant rice, and we and other companies developed biotechnology products, these on the sustainable development of the global food system plays a vital role.

NetEase Finance: Monsanto GM debate is always a target of attack because of the current global cultivation of genetically modified crop seeds, 90% of the bio-technology from Monsanto or its mandate. France, Germany and other EU countries have so far banned planting of genetically modified corn in the local community. How do you evaluate the company's current image?

Yi Bowen: Frankly speaking this is the challenge we are facing. First, in comparison with other companies, we are the first in the field of agricultural biotechnology companies that invest heavily. In our development of the first biotech crop products, regulatory approval before the company has invested about 500 million U.S. dollars heavily in research. We are the first invention of the companies of biotech crops. Most products on the market, our technology, products containing this problem, it is a fact. Because we do not have to be limited to such advanced technology used in their products. The seeds we sell, also need to biotech crops and products of other companies compete. Yinwei we are sure it is a very advanced technology, Suoyihenzao Gongsi decision to the United States and the world's seed companies a wide range of technology licensing, which in their products containing Monsanto's biotech traits. In fact, this strategy had largely reduced the company owned by a large market share. However, other companies or organizations are also achievements in this field, for example, insect-resistant rice in China. But not our rice business.

Assessment of international agricultural organizations accused is not established

NetEase Finance: International Agricultural Knowledge and Technology for Development Evaluation Organization (IAASTD) Co-Chairman 席汉斯赫伦 that GM crops will not result in higher production yield comparative data can be found only short-term, long term effect will be will disappear. What is your comment?

Yi Bowen: I am very familiar with these reports, in the past have seen similar reports. If the data you are interested, I can provide you with a completely different view of this holding third-party reports and documents, emphasizing the benefits of biotech crops yield. India, for example, in India in 2002 we launched the security of transgenic insect-resistant cotton boll cotton. Prior to 2002, India is a cotton importing countries, they do not have enough to support their cotton textile industry. Paul Bell introduced within five years after the insect-resistant cotton, cotton production has doubled in India, India became a cotton exporter. This is an example. Another example I would like to share, perhaps from my house is closer. I come from a farm in the Midwest. Our farm, my farm and my relatives and friends of the farm, basically I know of any farms growing biotech crops, they have been doing over the past decade. When farmers choose to buy the seeds, they will buy the seeds with higher yields, buy to help them reduce seed input per unit of production. There are 14 million farmers growing biotech crops to buy seeds. No matter what some reports said farmers are smart businessmen, they will always help them get higher yields to buy the seeds.

NetEase Finance: ah, I think the fact is better than data.

Yi Bowen: Exactly. If anyone is willing to visit farmers in the Midwest, directly ask them why they buy these products, I will plan the trip. I'm sure most farmers would answer: because they help me get higher returns.

NetEase Finance: Hansihelun said Monsanto, Syngenta and other international agricultural giant has pulled out of IAASTD, on the one hand because they are not satisfied with IAASTD report on pesticides sharp criticism, the other reason is that the report of IAASTD said transgenic technology has yet to meet any practical need, but also brought about resistance, the peasants more than the herbicides used in the past. The objective point of view do you think?

Yi Bowen: It is not the case. A large amount of data that such accusations are not established, we and a large number of non-governmental organizations and environmental organizations survey obtained data show that GM is not only higher yields but also to the environment has a very positive impact. Those in the United States over the past decade of biotech crops grown dramatically increase crop yields while saving water, reducing soil erosion and soil erosion and reduce the energy input per unit of production. These data are also third-party agencies and some environmental organizations for their record of biotech crops bring real benefits. Of course, there are a lot of this technology around the opposition, which was disappointing. Our focus as a company is to continue to move forward, because the challenges we face are enormous, and is absolutely urgent. 2050 we have 100 billion people to feed, while resources are becoming scarce. We must continue to progress, to bring more solutions for farmers, so that we all benefit.

Yi Bowen: We do have examples of resistance, mainly weed resistance, more specifically, Roundup herbicide traits. Even before the advent of biotech crops, most or all agricultural products at a time, to some extent will lead to weed resistance. Whether traditional or biotech crops, crops, herbicide resistance is a kind of nature. For herbicide resistance in crops, we are taking measures to prevent a variety of resistances. In terms of pest resistance to pesticides, we are also the same. For example, last year we launched the first in the United States 8-rich overlay of genetically modified maize gene product, the product has three insect-resistant genes for insect resistance on the ground, the other three genes for insect resistance against soil pests, but also There are two herbicide-resistant genes. Our goal is to substantially reduce weeds, or the possibility of pest resistance. This is what we have worked hard over the years to achieve. Because both the weeds or pests are difficult to control.

NetEase Finance: Monsanto then exit the IAASTD real reason?

Yi Bowen: For us to participate in such an organization does not make any sense. It makes us not focus on reality. We focus on developing and providing advanced bio-technology products, to improve our lives. If people get from such an organization the wrong message, this is not our intention to participate in the organization.

Limit stayed on a misunderstanding of genetically modified seeds

NetEase Finance: limited by contract farmers to leave without permission seed, farmers can buy seeds every year again, is the business model Monsanto is considered a plot by one of the important reasons, in fact, farmers in Argentina and other places have been seriously affected. What are your views on this?

Aibo Wen: First of all everyone to stay there are many kinds of misunderstandings. Many people do not understand agriculture do not realize that, as early as 30 years in the 20th century, American scientists invented the so-called hybrid seed production process. Virtually all developed countries, including in China, all over the world, most of the maize seed is hybrid seed. Farmers do not save these seeds, for decades they do not stay in the private seed because the seeds they buy is hybrid. (Hybrid seeds in the field performance of the offspring generation is worse than would be, whether it is traditional crops or GM crops) so farmers buy new seed every year and hope to obtain higher yields, early before the advent of biotech crops is the case. However, some crops such as soybeans are self-pollinated, farmers can save seed. But the problem is for companies like us, we have developed one such product, usually ten years, $ 150,000,000 investment in research and development until the commercial. We invest heavily in this, because we want to launch product can be a reasonable return. We give farmers a free choice, is to remain an annual species, or are willing to buy new seed? GM soy is definitely the fastest spread of agriculture in the history of one of the products, most farmers get more income, will naturally want to buy new seeds every year.

NetEase Finance: The Future in the Chinese market has no plans to adopt a more flexible approach?

Yi Bowen: I mentioned earlier, as a company, the future business model in China, we are open. However, once again, I would like to emphasize that the hybrid crops such as corn, Chinese farmers buy seeds every year. China also is the most hybrid varieties of cotton, so farmers need to buy seeds every year again.

Yi Bowen: I think first of the Chinese government is very much supportive of biotechnology. The Chinese government hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers for the latest and most advanced resources for the needs of very pre-looking. At present, for such as Monsanto, of multinational companies on how to participate in the Chinese market, there are some concerns. In fact China and the challenges facing the world is 100 million people, scarce resources. Ensure that farmers can buy seeds to the most excellent of all the seed companies have to do it. If you need such as Monsanto's international seed companies provide seed products in China, we need to communicate with related departments to find the right business model for China's farmers to provide these products. This is what we are doing.

NetEase Finance: Monsanto's business model is another reason that a plot is left without permission if the farmers of genetically modified seeds, the yield and quality after three years will be significantly lower, would still have to buy Monsanto's seeds. Accordingly, the opposition believe that this will endanger the national food security. You think the company must profit in this way to ensure it?

Yi Bowen: We will not speak of biotech crops. If you are a farmer, in the first year you buy seeds from seed companies, seed performance after a period of time will be reduced. Seed company has strong technical force, for farmers in developing high quality, appropriate local environment and nurture the seeds easily. If the farm saved seed planted in planting, after years of field performance of these seeds will eventually disappear. This is not related to biotechnology.

Genetically modified food safe

NetEase Finance: What brought you the mission as president of China?

Yi Bowen: My mission and related challenges we face. As a global food system, these challenges exist in any country including the United States, Europe, and of course Chinese. All of my mission with the rapidly growing population and limited resources on. I firmly believe that although biotechnology is not the only answer to these challenges, but this is the world's farmers should control the important part of the solution. So, my mission as we do today, as open-minded and let people learn about all aspects of biotech crops. Because many people are aware of the negative news is not correct. But the fact is that these products are very safe. In addition, to help meet human demand for food production while protecting natural resources and environment is essential. This is what I do every day and thinking.

NetEase Finance: In the past 4 months, you found what opportunities the Chinese market? What difficulties?

Yi Bowen: I encountered difficulties in China and elsewhere in the world I encountered, and there is not much difference. If I were in Beijing, a random person on the street who do not understand agriculture, asked him if he wanted to genetically modified foods, the answer is not. I understand this situation. But what if I change the expression, asked him if he in favor of China's farmers have access to advanced technology through certain seeds, which can increase production while saving precious fresh water resources, the production of food is also very safe, would he think it? I think this will completely subvert their mind's view of genetically modified crops, biotech crop seed can also promote the development of other technologies. I have most of the work carried out is very basic, such as telling people what is biotech crops, and why we choose this area of the start and so on. Our business is not just selling seeds. These products, biotech crops are helping us solve some of life is facing very serious problems.

NetEase Finance: What do you think and how to relieve the public concerns about food safety?

Yi Bowen: I often consider this issue. I would like to share the following information. In fact many of the world's authoritative research institutes and many Nobel Prize winners, is that these products are safe and reliable. So, for me, this is indisputable. But I understand that people learn in this respect may not be enough. Since 1995, the global biotech crop area of over 2 billion acres, of biotech crops for human consumption of processed foods, directly or indirectly, has more than a trillion times. In addition, many people may not realize that the Chinese consumers and Chinese consumers in the United States and Europe, as has consumption of these products in recent years. Although it has been spending more than a trillion times by the processed foods genetically modified crops, but no documents or cases that these products have a negative impact people's health. I do feel a little depressed. Because we have to let people know about the benefits of these products and help increase production, and the unique environmental benefits. This is what I do and always think about.

NetEase Finance: Do you think the future of GM R & D will go?

Yi Bowen: This is a very long-term problems. Our first concern for the technology, those crops can help reduce weeds and pests and other harmful factors. If you can help farmers to better control weeds and pests, harvest will increase. This is our first concern. Our direction of development is very exciting. Our research focuses on the one hand, helping crops resist the impact of climate disasters, on the other hand raise the crops to human health benefits. In the fight against climate disasters, we will launch the 2012 drought in the U.S. corn. The GM maize even in the absence of water can maintain high yield. I think this technology in China, there is great demand. There is also the other technology can help to resist the impact of climate disasters. In addition, human nutrition, we will introduce a new U.S. soybean products, soybean oil can reduce harmful fat, saturated fat and trans fatty acids increase the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acid content. Through medical research, which is good for human health.

NetEase Finance: Why Monsanto R & D centers in China?

Aibo Wen: China has Lianglei biotechnology research institutions, one is a commercial company such as ours set up, and the other one is the financial support by the government of biotechnology research institutes. The fact is that technology is no longer developed by a company, but by different entities from multiple sources together to participate. When we consider biotechnology research and development, the cooperation is very important. Therefore, R & D centers in China, Chinese scientists to share information with us to achieve win-win. Therefore, in the product development process, we hope to bring tangible benefits to the Chinese, but also the product of the intangible benefits can give to other countries.

NetEase Finance: The center will focus on what areas?

Yi Bowen: As mentioned earlier, crop yield and resistance to disasters is our focus. For example, how to help increase crop yield under environmental stress, how to help increase crop yields while reducing fertilizer production. This is our global strategy is the same.

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