
Japanese rice fields floating granules (herbicides) demonstration test

This is a Japanese rice field with a floating granules have been recognized for the commercialization of products in circulation, is a friend asked additives sent from Japan! By the collapse of trials found in the water, and our country are studying the floating granules (effervescent type) or have some differences: 

1 Japan's floating agents like to emphasize its floating nature, always floating on the water. And "wet" as if the two concepts, floating particles are wetting agent is not sinking; 

2 particle disintegration and rate of spread in the water did not imagine the fast, stir in the water even in the case, there was no collapse of drawing the trailing phenomenon, only the slow disintegration of the water separation. Likely to use in paddy fields, when the final requirements to be evenly spread out. 

3.A and B the difference is not great. Type B is introduced in accordance with the first sink and then float, a little effervescent mean! 

4 bags of soluble fast, have seen a lot of domestic capacity bags can be done, but have not seen such a good solubility. 

5 Finally, the color of floating debris is not pure white, I feel should be used for packing plant sources. 

6 At present, the additive has began to promote in the country, and some manufacturers have registered and engineered a number of products, rice fields in the Northeast a good market feedback. In fact, the Northeast market really has a lot of rice fields have the technical characteristics of small applied a good variety of dosage forms, there are bottles of spilled drops before with good results. 

7 formulations in the labor savings, it should be this large a dose "use features." 

8. A description: The original form is a liquid has a solid, liquid chlorine acetamide original drug to the original drug-based.


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