
Pesticides that can not be mixed

First, the MET

1, physical and chemical properties. The original drug is a white solid, insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents. Light, acid and alkali are stable.

2, preparation. 25% EC, 15% WP.

3, application and use. MET is the endogenous inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis, with the control crop growth, shortened internodes, reduced lodging, and promote tillering, control shoot and fruit, to improve yield. For wheat, cotton, fruit trees, vegetables, rapeseed and other crops. ⑴ control fruit shoot, half of the peach fruit after anthesis 1 week, spraying of 400-800 mg / kg of liquid, have a significant effect of dwarf and control shoots. On the apple tree, ring in the canopy open ditch, channel width 30 cm, depth 20 cm to the root instead of root exposed to the principle of active ingredient per square meter crown with 1-1.5 grams, applicator into the groove mulch, spraying before or after application of irrigation, soil moist. On grapes, in the mature trees per plant with 2-3 grams of active ingredient, the ring of Summer, or 1500 mg / kg of liquid spray, can inhibit the growth of new shoots to increase production. ⑵ for greenhouse vegetables, seedlings obvious effect. On ornamental plants, adjustable plant type, more ornamental value, the use of a concentration of 100-300 mg / kg.

Second, ethephon

1, physical and chemical properties. Pure product is white crystal, easily soluble in water, ethanol, insoluble in benzene and dichloroethane, in acidic solution (pH <3.5 = stable, pH value of 4.5 or more gradual decomposition of the vinyl release, with the pH value of decomposition rate increased quickly.

2, preparation. 40% of the agent.

3, application and use. Ethephon for the low toxicity of the plant growth regulator. After the plant after use to stem, leaf, flower, fruit into the plants, the release of ethylene under the action of cell sap, which plants to exogenous ethylene hormone ethylene plays played by physiological functions.  Have to break the seed dormancy. Control of apical dominance, and promote female flower development, and promote fruit ripening and organ loss and other performance, play a shorter crop growth period, dwarf plants to prevent lodging, ripening increase production and improve the quality of the role.

Ethephon and uses according to different crops, the use of leaf, fruit or whole plant spraying or dipping fruit and other use. ⑴ apple, pear ripening, in the 3-4 weeks before ripening, spraying 40% aqueous 800-1000 times. ⑵ tomatoes ripening in the fruit of great Green not red tomatoes, spraying 800-1000 mg / kg solution. ⑶ cucumber, pumpkin increase in female flowers, in the 3-4 leaf spray from 100-250 mg / kg liquid 1-2 times with an interval of 10 days. ⑷ astringent persimmons ripening in fruit post-harvest, with 250-1000 mg / kg of liquid dip.

4 Notes. Ethephon physical activity, and used improperly, not only can not be effective and may produce injury. Therefore, dosage should vary with species, temperature, fertility and other conditions vary. In case of drought, inadequate fertility, or other reasons, the growth of small plants, should be appropriate to reduce the use of concentration; the contrary, such as rain, fertility and plenty, the temperature is low, not the normal maturity, greater use should be appropriate concentration.

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